Merry Christmas in paradise

Many of us who come from countries with less flamboyant weather in the winter wonder what it would be like to spend Christmas and New Year’s holidays a bit less traditionally.

Us and a tree swing on a beach
Happy holidays everyone!

How about in a warm tropical country on a sunny beach?

If you enjoy traditional Christmas or are a religious person consider your priorities as most of the many tropical countries do not celebrate Christmas and those that do may do it in a different fashion than you are used to. If you have a bit of adventurous spirit and don’t mind getting away from tradition, Christmas on the beach are just for you.

A swing on Kai Bae beach on Koh Chang in Thailand
Truly relaxing setting for Christmas

Do not count on a Christmas dinner like you have at home. Having said that it is an opportunity to explore wonders of cuisine of the place you choose to escape the Christmas madness to. We chose to spend our Christmas on Koh Chang Island in Thailand and truly enjoyed our tropical Christmas feast.

Lola with her Thai Christmas dinner
Christmas dinner – feeling festive

If you are not after food in your travels then maybe a Christmas morning in a clear turquoise water kayaking to another island is your cup of tea. For those of us used to having to put layers upon layers of clothes during Christmas, spending this time in an exotic location may be quite an experience.

Lola snorkeling in Koh Chang
New year swim anyone?

New Year offers plenty of opportunities to party, but instead of dressing up you can stroll casually into a beach party in nothing more than your swimsuit if you choose to. Anyway you do not need much more thanks to tropical weather and it may be a proper dress anyway especially if the party leads you to enjoy a New Year’s Eve swim.

Us in the sea at sunset
Tropical Christmas Eve activities

Anywhere you choose to spend this time have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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